libcommonc++  0.7
Class Hierarchy

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This inheritance list is sorted roughly, but not completely, alphabetically:
[detail level 12345]
 CAbstractBuffer< T >An abstract base class for buffers
 CAbstractBuffer< byte_t >
 CAbstractBuffer< C >
 CAbstractBuffer< char >
 CAbstractCache< K, T >An abstract base class for a general-purpose LRU-cache with a maximum capacity
 CAllocationMapAn index allocation map
 CApplicationBase functionality for an application, including command-line argument parsing and a shutdown handler
 CArray< T, SIZE >A simple object wrapper for arrays
 CAsyncIOPollerA class that polls a set of AsyncIOTask objects
 CAsyncIOTaskAn object representing an asynchronous I/O operation
 CAtomicCounterAn integer counter whose value is modified in an atomic fashion
 CBase64Base-64 encoding and decoding routines
 CBitSet::BitA "reference" to a bit within a BitSet
 CBitSetA compact representation of an array of bits (boolean values)
 CBlobA reference-counting, copy-on-write, threadsafe container for arbitrary binary data
 CBoundedQueue< T >A bounded, threadsafe FIFO processing queue
 CBTree< K, V, ORDER >A balanced, n-ary tree data structure for storing key/value relationships
 CByteOrderByte-order conversion routines
 CCache< K, T >A general-purpose LRU-cache with a maximum capacity
 CCharA class representing a UTF-16 character
 CCharOpsUTF-16 character array operations
 CChecksumA base class for checksum generators
 CConditionVarA condition variable – a synchronization mechanism used to coordinate the actions of multiple threads
 CConnectionAn abstract object representing a network connection
 CConsoleA class that provides basic control of the console, such as changing text attributes, clearing the screen, and moving the cursor
 CDataEncoder::ContextA DataEncoder context
 CCStringAn implicitly shared, reference-counted container for an immutable, NUL-terminated C string
 CCStringBuilderA utility class for constructing C-style strings
 CDataEncoderAn abstract class with basic functionality that is common to all data decoders (readers) and data encoders (writers)
 CDateA representation of a calendar date
 CDateTimeFormatA formatter for dates and times
 CDeleteFunctorA functor that deletes its argument
 CDigestAn abstract base class for message digests
 CDirDirectory reading support
 CDynamicArray< T >A simple object wrapper for dynamically-allocated arrays
 CEnumTraits< E >A class of functions that describe traits of an enumeration
 CEventHandler< E >A functor for event-handler callbacks
 CexceptionSTL class
 CExitStatusThe exit status of a process
 CFileAttributesFile attributes
 CFileNameA class representing a filename
 CFilePtrA smart pointer for stdio streams
 CFileTraverserA depth- or breadth-first file traverser
 CFlags< T >A wrapper template for primitive integer types that represent flag bitmasks
 CHashA collection of hash functions
 CHexRoutines for ASCII hex encoding and decoding
 CInetAddressAn IPv4 Internet address
 CIntervalTimerA high-precision interval timer that does not require blocking or polling from a dedicated thread
 Cios_baseSTL class
 CIterator< T >A Java-style iterator
 CIterator< const XMLElement &>
 CIterator< V >
 CIterator< XMLElement &>
 CJavaContextWhen the Invocation Interface is being used (that is, when a C++ program calls into Java code), the getContext() method of the JavaVirtualMachine class is used to obtain an appropriate JavaContext object
 CJavaNativeMethodA structure representing a Java native method
 CJavaScopeA convenience class for creating lexical Java scopes in native code
 CJavaVirtualMachineAn object that encapsulates (most of) the Java Native Interface (JNI) to a Java Virtual Machine
 CLoadableModuleAn encapsulation of a dynamically loadable module, such as a shared library or object file on UNIX systems or a DLL on Windows
 CLocaleA class that encapsulates locale-specific information
 CLockAn abstract base class for synchronization primitives
 CLogLogging routines
 CLogFormatA log message formatter
 CLoggerAn abstract base class for threadsafe loggers
 CMACAddressA network hardware (MAC) address
 CDataEncoder::ManipulatorA base class for DataEncoder manipulators
 Cmap< K, T >STL class
 CMD5PasswordMD5-hash password encryption and validation routines
 CMemoryBlockAn encapsulation of a block of memory
 CMemoryMappedFileAn abstraction of a memory-mapped file
 CNetworkNetwork-related routines
 CNetworkInterfaceAn aggregation of information about a network interface
 CNumericNumeric and bitwise utility functions
 CObjectPool< T >A base class for object pools
 CObjectPool< _Datum >
 CObjectPool< _Node >
 CObjectPool< ccxx::StreamSocket >
 CPermissionsFile permissions
 CPipeA unidirectional stream pipe
 CPluginA class representing a dynamically loaded plugin
 CPluginLoaderA convenience class for loading Plugin objects
 CProcessA system process
 CProgressTrackerAn interface for tracking the progress of a lengthy operation
 CRandomA random number generator
 CReadWriteLockA Read/Write lock – a synchronization primitive that allows multiple threads to coordinate access to a mutable resource
 CRegExpA regular expression
 CRegExpMatchA regular expression substring match
 CRunnableA runnable object
 CDataEncoder::ScopedContextA lexically scoped DataEncoder context
 CScopedLockA convenience object for lexical scope based synchronization
 CScopedPtr< T >A non-copyable scoped pointer
 CScopedReadLockA convenience object for lexical scope based synchronization
 CScopedWriteLockA convenience object for lexical scope based synchronization
 CSearchPathA file search path
 CServerStreamPipeA server (listening) pipe for StreamPipe connections
 CSharedPtr< T >A threadsafe, reference-counting smart pointer
 CSocketA base class for network sockets
 CSocketAddressA socket endpoint network address
 CSQLDatabaseA class representing a session with an embedded SQL database
 CSQLQueryAn SQL prepared statement that can be efficiently executed multiple times
 CSQLTransactionA scoped database transaction
 CSQLValueBinderA value binder for a SQLQuery object
 CStopWatchA stopwatch-style timer
 CStreamAn unbuffered I/O stream
 CStringA flexible, reference counted, copy-on-write, thread-safe, nullable string
 CSystemVarious system-level utility functions
 CSystemLogThe system event log
 CSystemStatsA collector of system performance or resource utilization statistics
 CThreadLocal< T >Thread-local storage smart pointer
 CThreadLocal< Buffer< T > >
 CThreadLocal< int32_t >
 CThreadLocal< JavaBuffer >
 CThreadLocal< JavaContext >
 CTimeA representation of a clock time
 CTimeSpanA span of time (a delta), represented in milliseconds
 CTimeSpecA time specification, such as that used by cron servers
 CURLA class representing a URL (Uniform Resource Locator)
 CUTF8EncoderA UTF-16 to UTF-8 string transcoder
 CUTFDecoderA base class for transcoders that decode strings to UTF-16 from a different UTF encoding
 CUUIDA universally unique identifier
 CVariantA general-purpose variant type
 Cvector< T >STL class
 CVersionA class representing an interface version number
 CXDRDecoderA decoder for XDR, the eXternal Data Representation format
 CXDREncoderAn encoder for XDR, the eXternal Data Representation format
 CXMLDocumentAn object representing an XML document
 CXMLElementAn object representing an XML element