libcommonc++  0.7
String Class Reference

A flexible, reference counted, copy-on-write, thread-safe, nullable string. More...

#include <String.h++>

Collaboration diagram for String:

Public Types

typedef char16_t value_type
typedef const char16_tconst_iterator

Public Member Functions

 String ()
 Construct a new, empty string. More...
 String (const String &other)
 Copy constructor. More...
 String (char16_t *str, uint_t offset=0, uint_t count=0, bool copy=true)
 Construct a new string from a C string. More...
 String (const char16_t *str, uint_t offset=0, uint_t count=0)
 Construct a new string from an array of UTF-16 characters. More...
 String (const wchar_t *str)
 Construct a new string from a C wide string. More...
 String (const char *str, uint_t offset=0, uint_t count=0)
 Construct a new string from a C string encoded in UTF-8. More...
 ~String ()
 Destructor. More...
bool endsWith (const String &str, bool ignoreCase=false) const
 Test if the string ends with the given string. More...
bool endsWith (const Char &c, bool ignoreCase=false) const
 Test if the string ends with the given character. More...
bool endsWithAnyOf (const String &chars, bool ignoreCase=false) const
 Test if the string ends with any character in a given set of characters. More...
bool startsWith (const String &str, bool ignoreCase=false) const
 Test if the string starts with the given string. More...
bool startsWith (const Char &c, bool ignoreCase=false) const
 Test if the string starts with the given character. More...
bool startsWithAnyOf (const String &chars, bool ignoreCase=false) const
 Test if the string starts with any character in a given set of characters. More...
uint_t getLength () const
 Get the length of the string. More...
uint_t length () const
 Get the length of the string. More...
void setLength (uint_t length)
 Set the length of the string. More...
void reserve (uint_t capacity)
 Reserve space in the string for the given number of characters. More...
uint_t getCapacity () const
 Get the current capacity of the string, in characters. More...
void compact ()
 Compact the string so that it occupies the minimum amount of memory required. More...
Stringclear ()
 Clear the string. More...
bool isEmpty () const
 Test if the string is empty. More...
bool isNull () const
 Test if the string is null. More...
bool isInteger () const
 Test if the string holds an integer. More...
bool isAlphaNumeric () const
 Test if the string consists solely of alphanumeric characters. More...
int compareTo (const String &other, bool ignoreCase=false) const
 Compare the string to another. More...
Stringtrim (const String &chars=whitespaceChars, bool begin=true, bool end=true)
 Trim leading and trailing characters from the string. More...
StringtrimBegin (const String &chars=whitespaceChars)
 Trim characters from the beginning of the string. More...
StringtrimEnd (const String &chars=whitespaceChars)
 Trim characters from the end of the string. More...
Stringchop (const Char &c)
 Truncate the string at the first occurrence of the given character. More...
StringreverseChop (const Char &c)
 Truncate the string at the last occurrence of the given character. More...
Stringreplace (const Char &a, const Char &b)
 Replace all occurences of one character with another. More...
Stringreplace (const String &a, const String &b)
 Replace all occurences of one substring with another. More...
Stringinsert (const Char &c, uint_t index=0)
 Insert a character into the string. More...
Stringinsert (const String &str, uint_t index=0, uint_t length=0)
 Insert a string into this string. More...
Stringinsert (const char16_t *str, uint_t index=0, uint_t count=0)
 Insert a UTF-16 character array into this string. More...
Stringinsert (const wchar_t *str, uint_t index=0, uint_t count=0)
 Insert a C wide string to this string. More...
Stringinsert (const char *str, uint_t index=0, uint_t count=0)
 Insert a C string to this string. More...
Stringappend (bool v)
 Append a string representation of a boolean value to the end of the string. More...
Stringappend (char c)
 Append a character to the end of the string. More...
Stringappend (char16_t c)
 Append a UTF-16 character to the end of the string. More...
Stringappend (int val)
 Append a string representation of an integer value onto the end of the string. More...
Stringappend (int val, uint_t base)
 Append a string representation of an integer value in the given base onto the end of the string. More...
Stringappend (uint_t val)
 Append a string representation of an unsigned integer value onto the end of the string. More...
Stringappend (uint_t val, uint_t base)
 Append a string representation of an unsigned integer value in the given base onto the end of the string. More...
Stringappend (const int64_t &val)
 Append a string representation of a long long (64-bit) integer onto the end of the string. More...
Stringappend (const double &val, uint_t precision=6)
 Append a string representation of double-precision floating point value onto the end of the string. More...
Stringappend (const uint64_t &val)
 Append a string representation of an unsigned long long (64-bit) integer onto the end of the string. More...
Stringappend (const Char &c)
 Append a character to the end of the string. More...
Stringappend (const String &str, uint_t count=0)
 Append a string to the end of the string. More...
Stringappend (const char16_t *str, uint_t count=0)
 Append a UTF-16 character array to the end of the string. More...
Stringappend (const char *str, uint_t count=0)
 Append a string to the end of the string. More...
Stringappend (const wchar_t *str, uint_t count=0)
 Append a wide string to the end of the string. More...
Stringprepend (char c)
 Prepend a character to the beginning of the string. More...
Stringprepend (char16_t c)
 Prepend a character to the beginning of the string. More...
Stringprepend (const Char &c)
 Prepend a character to the beginning of the string. More...
Stringprepend (const String &str, uint_t count=0)
 Prepend a string to the beginning of the string. More...
Stringprepend (const char16_t *str, uint_t count=0)
 Prepend a string to the beginning of the string. More...
Stringprepend (const char *str, uint_t count=0)
 Prepend a string to the beginning of the string. More...
Stringprepend (const wchar_t *str, uint_t count=0)
 Prepend a wide string to the beginning of the string. More...
Stringremove (uint_t fromIndex, uint_t toIndex=END)
 Remove a portion of the string. More...
Char charAt (uint_t index) const
 Return the character at the given index. More...
StringsetCharAt (uint_t index, const Char &c)
 Set the character at the given index. More...
uint_t hash (uint_t modulo=256) const
 Compute a hashcode for the string. More...
String substring (uint_t fromIndex, uint_t toIndex=END) const
 Extract a substring from the string. More...
int indexOf (const Char &c, uint_t fromIndex=0) const
 Find the first occurrence of a given character in the string. More...
int indexOf (const char *str, uint_t fromIndex=0) const
 Find the first occurrence of a given string in this string. More...
int indexOfAnyOf (const String &chars, uint_t fromIndex=0) const
 Find the first occurrence in this string of any character in a set of characters. More...
int indexOf (const String &str, uint_t fromIndex=0) const
 Find the first occurrence of a given string in this string. More...
int lastIndexOf (const Char &c, uint_t fromIndex=END) const
 Find the last occurrence of a given character in this string. More...
int lastIndexOfAnyOf (const String &chars, uint_t fromIndex=END) const
 Find the last occurrence in the string of any character in a set of characters. More...
int lastIndexOf (const String &str, uint_t fromIndex=END) const
 Find the last occurrence of a given string in this string. More...
bool contains (const Char &c) const
 Determine if the string contains a given character. More...
bool contains (const String &str) const
 Determine if the string contains a given substring. More...
bool containsAnyOf (const char *chars) const
 Determine if the string contains any character in a given set of characters. More...
String nextToken (uint_t &fromIndex, const String &delim=whitespaceChars) const
 Extract a token from the string. More...
uint_t split (StringVec &tokens, const String &delim=whitespaceChars, uint_t limit=0) const
 Split the string into a series of tokens, without modifying the string. More...
StringtoLowerCase ()
 Convert the string to lower case. More...
StringtoUpperCase ()
 Convert the string to upper case. More...
Stringfill (const Char &c, uint_t count)
 Fill the string with a character. More...
Stringpad (const Char &c, uint_t count)
 Pad the string with a character. More...
bool toBool (uint_t index=0) const
 Parse a boolean value from the string. More...
int toInt (uint_t index=0, uint_t base=10) const
 Parse an integer from the string. More...
uint_t toUInt (uint_t index=0, uint_t base=10) const
 Parse an unsigned integer from the string. More...
int64_t toInt64 (uint_t index=0, uint_t base=10) const
 Parse a 64-bit integer from the string. More...
uint64_t toUInt64 (uint_t index=0, uint_t base=10) const
 Parse an unsigned 64-bit integer from the string. More...
float toFloat (uint_t index=0) const
 Parse a floating point value from the string. More...
double toDouble (uint_t index=0) const
 Parse a double precision floating point value from the string. More...
 operator const void * () const
 Pointer cast operator. More...
const char16_tdata () const
 Returns a pointer to the UTF-16 data for this string. More...
CString toUTF8 () const
 Return the contents of the string as an immutable C string. More...
Stringoperator= (const char *other)
 Assignment operator. More...
Stringoperator= (const wchar_t *other)
 Assignment operator. More...
Stringoperator= (const String &other)
 Assignment operator. More...
Stringoperator= (const std::string &other)
 Assignment operator. More...
CharRef operator[] (int index)
 Array index operator. More...
const Char operator[] (int index) const
 Array index operator. More...
const_iterator begin () const
 Return a const_iterator to the beginning of the string. More...
const_iterator end () const
 Return a const_iterator to the end of the string. More...
String operator() (uint_t fromIndex, uint_t toIndex=END) const
 Substring operator. More...
bool operator! () const
 Unary NOT operator. More...
Stringoperator+= (char c)
 Append a character onto the end of the string. More...
Stringoperator+= (char16_t c)
 Append a UTF-16 character onto the end of the string. More...
Stringoperator+= (const Char &c)
 Append a character onto the end of the string. More...
Stringoperator+= (const char *str)
 Append a C string onto the end of this string. More...
Stringoperator+= (const String &str)
 Append a string onto the end of this string. More...
Stringoperator+= (bool val)
 Append a string representation of a boolean value onto the end of the string. More...
Stringoperator+= (int val)
 Append a string representation of an integer value onto the end of the string. More...
Stringoperator+= (uint_t val)
 Append a string representation of an unsigned integer value onto the end of the string. More...
Stringoperator+= (double val)
 Append a string representation of double-precision floating point value onto the end of the string. More...
Stringoperator+= (int64_t val)
 Append a string representation of a long long (64-bit) integer onto the end of the string. More...
Stringoperator+= (uint64_t val)
 Append a string representation of an unsigned long long (64-bit) integer onto the end of the string. More...
Stringoperator<< (const char *str)
 Append operator. More...
Stringoperator<< (const wchar_t *str)
 Append operator. More...
Stringoperator<< (const String &str)
 Append operator. More...
Stringoperator<< (bool val)
 Append operator. More...
Stringoperator<< (char c)
 Append operator. More...
Stringoperator<< (char16_t c)
 Append operator. More...
Stringoperator<< (const Char &c)
 Append operator. More...
Stringoperator<< (int val)
 Append operator. More...
Stringoperator<< (uint_t val)
 Append operator. More...
Stringoperator<< (const int64_t &val)
 Append operator. More...
Stringoperator<< (const uint64_t &val)
 Append operator. More...
Stringoperator<< (const double &val)
 Append operator. More...
Stringoperator^= (char c)
 Prepend operator. More...
Stringoperator^= (char16_t c)
 Prepend operator. More...
Stringoperator^= (const Char &c)
 Prepend operator. More...
Stringoperator^= (const char *str)
 Prepend operator. More...
Stringoperator^= (const wchar_t *str)
 Prepend operator. More...
Stringoperator^= (const String &str)
 Prepend operator. More...
String operator+ (const String &str)
String operator+ (const char *str)
String operator+ (const Char &c)
void write (std::ostream &stream) const
 Write the string (in UTF-8 form) to a stream. More...

Static Public Attributes

static const uint_t END = ~0
 A pseudo-index indicating the end of the string. More...
static const String null = String()
 The null string. More...
static const String nullRep = String("(null)")
 The string representation of the null value. More...
static const String empty = ""
 The empty string. More...
static const String whitespaceChars = " \t\f\r\n\v"
 The set of whitespace delimiter characters. More...

Detailed Description

A flexible, reference counted, copy-on-write, thread-safe, nullable string.

Mark Lindner

Member Typedef Documentation

◆ const_iterator

typedef const char16_t* const_iterator

◆ value_type

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

◆ String() [1/6]

String ( )

Construct a new, empty string.

◆ String() [2/6]

String ( const String other)

Copy constructor.

otherThe string to copy.

◆ String() [3/6]

String ( char16_t str,
uint_t  offset = 0,
uint_t  count = 0,
bool  copy = true 

Construct a new string from a C string.

strThe C string to copy or inherit.
offsetThe number of characters from the beginning of the string to skip over.
countThe number of characters from the offset to use, or 0 to use all the characters to the end of the string.
copyIf true, the C string is copied into the String; otherwise the C string is inherited and the length parameter is ignored.

◆ String() [4/6]

String ( const char16_t str,
uint_t  offset = 0,
uint_t  count = 0 

Construct a new string from an array of UTF-16 characters.

The array is copied into the string.

strThe character array.
offsetThe number of characters from the beginning of the string to skip over.
countThe number of characters from the offset to use, or 0 to use all the characters to the end of the string.

◆ String() [5/6]

String ( const wchar_t *  str)

Construct a new string from a C wide string.

strThe C wide string.
EncodingExceptionIf the string contains invalid code points.

◆ String() [6/6]

String ( const char *  str,
uint_t  offset = 0,
uint_t  count = 0 

Construct a new string from a C string encoded in UTF-8.

strThe C string.
offsetThe number of characters from the beginning of the string to skip over.
countThe number of characters from the offset to use, or 0 to use all the characters to the end of the string.
EncodingExceptionIf the string does not contain valid UTF-8.

◆ ~String()

~String ( )


Member Function Documentation

◆ append() [1/15]

String & append ( bool  v)

Append a string representation of a boolean value to the end of the string.

vThe value to append.

◆ append() [2/15]

String& append ( char  c)

Append a character to the end of the string.

cThe character to append.

◆ append() [3/15]

String& append ( char16_t  c)

Append a UTF-16 character to the end of the string.

cThe character to append.

◆ append() [4/15]

String & append ( int  val)

Append a string representation of an integer value onto the end of the string.

valThe value to append.

◆ append() [5/15]

String & append ( int  val,
uint_t  base 

Append a string representation of an integer value in the given base onto the end of the string.

valThe value to append.
baseThe numerical base in which to output the value. The valid range is 2 - 36, inclusive.

◆ append() [6/15]

String & append ( uint_t  val)

Append a string representation of an unsigned integer value onto the end of the string.

valThe value to append.

◆ append() [7/15]

String & append ( uint_t  val,
uint_t  base 

Append a string representation of an unsigned integer value in the given base onto the end of the string.

valThe value to append.
baseThe numerical base in which to output the value. The valid range is 2 - 36, inclusive.

◆ append() [8/15]

String & append ( const int64_t &  val)

Append a string representation of a long long (64-bit) integer onto the end of the string.

valThe value to append.

◆ append() [9/15]

String & append ( const double &  val,
uint_t  precision = 6 

Append a string representation of double-precision floating point value onto the end of the string.

valThe value to append.
precisionThe precision (the number of digits to include after the radix).

◆ append() [10/15]

String & append ( const uint64_t &  val)

Append a string representation of an unsigned long long (64-bit) integer onto the end of the string.

valThe value to append.

◆ append() [11/15]

String& append ( const Char c)

Append a character to the end of the string.

cThe character to append.

◆ append() [12/15]

String& append ( const String str,
uint_t  count = 0 

Append a string to the end of the string.

strThe character to append.
countThe maximum number of characters from str to append, or 0 to append all of str.

◆ append() [13/15]

String& append ( const char16_t str,
uint_t  count = 0 

Append a UTF-16 character array to the end of the string.

strThe character array to append.
countThe maximum number of characters from str to append, or 0 to append all of str.

◆ append() [14/15]

String& append ( const char *  str,
uint_t  count = 0 

Append a string to the end of the string.

strThe string to append.
countThe maximum number of characters from str to append, or 0 to append all of str.

◆ append() [15/15]

String& append ( const wchar_t *  str,
uint_t  count = 0 

Append a wide string to the end of the string.

strThe string to append.
countThe maximum number of characters from str to append, or 0 to append all of str.

◆ begin()

String::const_iterator begin ( ) const

Return a const_iterator to the beginning of the string.

NullPointerExceptionIf the string is null.

◆ charAt()

Char charAt ( uint_t  index) const

Return the character at the given index.

indexThe index.
The character at the given index.
OutOfBoundsExceptionIf index is out of range.

◆ chop()

String & chop ( const Char c)

Truncate the string at the first occurrence of the given character.

cThe character at which to truncate.
The string.

◆ clear()

String& clear ( )

Clear the string.

Sets the length of the string to 0.

The string.

◆ compact()

void compact ( )

Compact the string so that it occupies the minimum amount of memory required.

◆ compareTo()

int compareTo ( const String other,
bool  ignoreCase = false 
) const

Compare the string to another.

otherThe string to compare to.
ignoreCaseA flag indicating whether the compare should be case insensitive.
A negative value if the string is lexicographically "less" than other, a positive value if it is "greater" than other, and 0 if they are "equal".

◆ contains() [1/2]

bool contains ( const Char c) const

Determine if the string contains a given character.

cThe character to search for.
true if the string contains at least one occurrence of the character, false otherwise.

◆ contains() [2/2]

bool contains ( const String str) const

Determine if the string contains a given substring.

strThe substring to search for.
true if the string contains at least one occurrence of the substring, false otherwise.

◆ containsAnyOf()

bool containsAnyOf ( const char *  chars) const

Determine if the string contains any character in a given set of characters.

charsThe set of characters.
true if the string contains at least one occurrence of any character in the set, false otherwise.

◆ data()

const char16_t * data ( ) const

Returns a pointer to the UTF-16 data for this string.

◆ end()

String::const_iterator end ( ) const

Return a const_iterator to the end of the string.

NullPointerExceptionIf the string is null.

◆ endsWith() [1/2]

bool endsWith ( const String str,
bool  ignoreCase = false 
) const

Test if the string ends with the given string.

strThe other string.
ignoreCaseA flag indicating whether the comparison should be case-insensitive.
true if this string ends with str, false otherwise.

◆ endsWith() [2/2]

bool endsWith ( const Char c,
bool  ignoreCase = false 
) const

Test if the string ends with the given character.

cThe character.
ignoreCaseA flag indicating whether the comparison should be case-insensitive.
true if the string ends with c, false otherwise.

◆ endsWithAnyOf()

bool endsWithAnyOf ( const String chars,
bool  ignoreCase = false 
) const

Test if the string ends with any character in a given set of characters.

charsThe set of characters.
ignoreCaseA flag indicating whether the comparison should be case-insensitive.
true if the string ends with one of the characters in the set, false otherwise.

◆ fill()

String & fill ( const Char c,
uint_t  count 

Fill the string with a character.

cThe fill character.
countThe number of characters to fill.

◆ getCapacity()

uint_t getCapacity ( ) const

Get the current capacity of the string, in characters.

This value takes into account the space required for the final NUL terminator.

◆ getLength()

uint_t getLength ( ) const

Get the length of the string.

The length, in characters, or 0 if the String is null.

◆ hash()

uint_t hash ( uint_t  modulo = 256) const

Compute a hashcode for the string.

moduloThe desired range for the hashcode.
A hashcode in the range [0, modulo).

◆ indexOf() [1/3]

int indexOf ( const Char c,
uint_t  fromIndex = 0 
) const

Find the first occurrence of a given character in the string.

cThe character to search for.
fromIndexThe start index from which to begin searching.
The index of the first occurrence of the character, or -1 if the character was not found.

◆ indexOf() [2/3]

int indexOf ( const char *  str,
uint_t  fromIndex = 0 
) const

Find the first occurrence of a given string in this string.

strThe string to search for.
fromIndexThe start index from which to begin searching.
The index of the first occurrence of the string, or -1 if the string was not found.

◆ indexOf() [3/3]

int indexOf ( const String str,
uint_t  fromIndex = 0 
) const

Find the first occurrence of a given string in this string.

strThe string to search for.
fromIndexThe start index from which to begin searching.
The index of the first occurrence of the string, or -1 if the string was not found.

◆ indexOfAnyOf()

int indexOfAnyOf ( const String chars,
uint_t  fromIndex = 0 
) const

Find the first occurrence in this string of any character in a set of characters.

charsThe set of characters search for.
fromIndexThe start index from which to begin searching.
The index of the first occurrence of any character in the set, or -1 if no occurrence was not found.

◆ insert() [1/5]

String & insert ( const Char c,
uint_t  index = 0 

Insert a character into the string.

cThe character to insert.
indexThe index at which to insert the character. If the index is out of range, the character is appended to the end of the string.

◆ insert() [2/5]

String & insert ( const String str,
uint_t  index = 0,
uint_t  length = 0 

Insert a string into this string.

strThe string to insert.
indexThe index at which to insert the string. If the index is out of range, the string is appended to the end of this string.
lengthThe maximum number of characters from str to insert.

◆ insert() [3/5]

String & insert ( const char16_t str,
uint_t  index = 0,
uint_t  count = 0 

Insert a UTF-16 character array into this string.

strThe array to insert.
indexThe index at which to insert the characters. If the index is out of range, the characters are appended to the end of this string.
countThe number of characters from str to insert.

◆ insert() [4/5]

String& insert ( const wchar_t *  str,
uint_t  index = 0,
uint_t  count = 0 

Insert a C wide string to this string.

strThe C wide string to insert.
indexThe index at which to insert the string. If the index is out of range, the string is appended to the end of this string.
countThe maximum number of characters from str to insert.

◆ insert() [5/5]

String& insert ( const char *  str,
uint_t  index = 0,
uint_t  count = 0 

Insert a C string to this string.

strThe C wide string to insert.
indexThe index at which to insert the string. If the index is out of range, the string is appended to the end of this string.
countThe maximum number of characters from str to insert.

◆ isAlphaNumeric()

bool isAlphaNumeric ( ) const

Test if the string consists solely of alphanumeric characters.

true if the string is alphanumeric, false otherwise.

◆ isEmpty()

bool isEmpty ( ) const

Test if the string is empty.

true if the string is null or has length 0, false otherwise.

◆ isInteger()

bool isInteger ( ) const

Test if the string holds an integer.

For example, "123", "+5", and "-123" are integers.

true if the string is an integer, false otherwise.

◆ isNull()

bool isNull ( ) const

Test if the string is null.

true if the string is null, false otherwise.

◆ lastIndexOf() [1/2]

int lastIndexOf ( const Char c,
uint_t  fromIndex = END 
) const

Find the last occurrence of a given character in this string.

cThe character to search for.
fromIndexThe index from which to begin searching backwards, or END to start at the end of the string.
The index of the last occurrence of the character, or -1 if the character was not found.

◆ lastIndexOf() [2/2]

int lastIndexOf ( const String str,
uint_t  fromIndex = END 
) const

Find the last occurrence of a given string in this string.

strThe string to search for.
fromIndexThe index from which to begin searching backwards, or END to start at the end of the string.
The index of the last occurrence of the string, or -1 if the string was not found.

◆ lastIndexOfAnyOf()

int lastIndexOfAnyOf ( const String chars,
uint_t  fromIndex = END 
) const

Find the last occurrence in the string of any character in a set of characters.

charsThe set of characters search for.
fromIndexThe index from which to begin searching backwards, or END to start at the end of the string.
The index of the last occurrence of any character in the set, or -1 if no occurrence was not found.

◆ length()

uint_t length ( ) const

Get the length of the string.

The length, in characters, or 0 if the string is null.

◆ nextToken()

String nextToken ( uint_t fromIndex,
const String delim = whitespaceChars 
) const

Extract a token from the string.

fromIndexThe start index at which to begin searching for a token. Will be modified on return to point to one character past the extracted token.
delimThe set of possible token delimiter characters (the set of whitespace characters by default).
The extracted token, or String::null if the end of the string has been reached.

◆ operator const void *()

operator const void * ( ) const

Pointer cast operator.

◆ operator!()

bool operator! ( ) const

Unary NOT operator.

true if the string is null, false otherwise.

◆ operator()()

String operator() ( uint_t  fromIndex,
uint_t  toIndex = END 
) const

Substring operator.

Extract a substring from the string.

fromIndexThe start index of the substring.
toIndexThe end index of the substring, or END to indicate the end of the string.
The substring as a new string. If fromIndex and toIndex are equal, an empty string is returned.

◆ operator+() [1/3]

String operator+ ( const String str)

◆ operator+() [2/3]

String operator+ ( const char *  str)

◆ operator+() [3/3]

String operator+ ( const Char c)

◆ operator+=() [1/11]

String& operator+= ( char  c)

Append a character onto the end of the string.

cThe character to append.

◆ operator+=() [2/11]

String& operator+= ( char16_t  c)

Append a UTF-16 character onto the end of the string.

cThe character to append.

◆ operator+=() [3/11]

String& operator+= ( const Char c)

Append a character onto the end of the string.

cThe character to append.

◆ operator+=() [4/11]

String& operator+= ( const char *  str)

Append a C string onto the end of this string.

strThe string to append.

◆ operator+=() [5/11]

String& operator+= ( const String str)

Append a string onto the end of this string.

strThe string to append.

◆ operator+=() [6/11]

String& operator+= ( bool  val)

Append a string representation of a boolean value onto the end of the string.

valThe value to append.

◆ operator+=() [7/11]

String& operator+= ( int  val)

Append a string representation of an integer value onto the end of the string.

valThe value to append.

◆ operator+=() [8/11]

String& operator+= ( uint_t  val)

Append a string representation of an unsigned integer value onto the end of the string.

valThe value to append.

◆ operator+=() [9/11]

String& operator+= ( double  val)

Append a string representation of double-precision floating point value onto the end of the string.

valThe value to append.

◆ operator+=() [10/11]

String& operator+= ( int64_t  val)

Append a string representation of a long long (64-bit) integer onto the end of the string.

valThe value to append.

◆ operator+=() [11/11]

String& operator+= ( uint64_t  val)

Append a string representation of an unsigned long long (64-bit) integer onto the end of the string.

valThe value to append.

◆ operator<<() [1/12]

String& operator<< ( const char *  str)

Append operator.

◆ operator<<() [2/12]

String& operator<< ( const wchar_t *  str)

Append operator.

◆ operator<<() [3/12]

String& operator<< ( const String str)

Append operator.

◆ operator<<() [4/12]

String& operator<< ( bool  val)

Append operator.

◆ operator<<() [5/12]

String& operator<< ( char  c)

Append operator.

◆ operator<<() [6/12]

String& operator<< ( char16_t  c)

Append operator.

◆ operator<<() [7/12]

String& operator<< ( const Char c)

Append operator.

◆ operator<<() [8/12]

String& operator<< ( int  val)

Append operator.

◆ operator<<() [9/12]

String& operator<< ( uint_t  val)

Append operator.

◆ operator<<() [10/12]

String& operator<< ( const int64_t &  val)

Append operator.

◆ operator<<() [11/12]

String& operator<< ( const uint64_t &  val)

Append operator.

◆ operator<<() [12/12]

String& operator<< ( const double &  val)

Append operator.

◆ operator=() [1/4]

String & operator= ( const char *  other)

Assignment operator.

EncodingExceptionIf the input is not valid UTF-8.

◆ operator=() [2/4]

String & operator= ( const wchar_t *  other)

Assignment operator.

EncodingExceptionIf the input contains invalid UTF-32 characters.

◆ operator=() [3/4]

String & operator= ( const String other)

Assignment operator.

◆ operator=() [4/4]

String& operator= ( const std::string &  other)

Assignment operator.

EncodingExceptionIf the input is not valid UTF-8.

◆ operator[]() [1/2]

CharRef operator[] ( int  index)

Array index operator.

Obtain a reference to the character at the given offset in the string.

indexThe index.
A reference to the character at the specified index.
OutOfBoundsExceptionIf index is out of range.

◆ operator[]() [2/2]

const Char operator[] ( int  index) const

Array index operator.

Obtain a copy of the character at the given offset in the string.

indexThe index.
The character at the specified index, as a Char.
OutOfBoundsExceptionIf index is out of range.

◆ operator^=() [1/6]

String& operator^= ( char  c)

Prepend operator.

◆ operator^=() [2/6]

String& operator^= ( char16_t  c)

Prepend operator.

◆ operator^=() [3/6]

String& operator^= ( const Char c)

Prepend operator.

◆ operator^=() [4/6]

String& operator^= ( const char *  str)

Prepend operator.

◆ operator^=() [5/6]

String& operator^= ( const wchar_t *  str)

Prepend operator.

◆ operator^=() [6/6]

String& operator^= ( const String str)

Prepend operator.

◆ pad()

String & pad ( const Char c,
uint_t  count 

Pad the string with a character.

cThe pad character.
countThe number of characters to pad.

◆ prepend() [1/7]

String& prepend ( char  c)

Prepend a character to the beginning of the string.

cThe character to prepend.

◆ prepend() [2/7]

String& prepend ( char16_t  c)

Prepend a character to the beginning of the string.

cThe character to prepend.

◆ prepend() [3/7]

String& prepend ( const Char c)

Prepend a character to the beginning of the string.

cThe character to prepend.

◆ prepend() [4/7]

String& prepend ( const String str,
uint_t  count = 0 

Prepend a string to the beginning of the string.

strThe character to prepend.
countThe maximum number of characters from str to prepend, or 0 to prepend all of str.

◆ prepend() [5/7]

String& prepend ( const char16_t str,
uint_t  count = 0 

Prepend a string to the beginning of the string.

strThe character to prepend.
countThe maximum number of characters from str to prepend, or 0 to prepend all of str.

◆ prepend() [6/7]

String& prepend ( const char *  str,
uint_t  count = 0 

Prepend a string to the beginning of the string.

strThe character to prepend.
countThe maximum number of characters from str to prepend, or 0 to prepend all of str.

◆ prepend() [7/7]

String& prepend ( const wchar_t *  str,
uint_t  count = 0 

Prepend a wide string to the beginning of the string.

strThe character to prepend.
countThe maximum number of characters from str to prepend, or 0 to prepend all of str.

◆ remove()

String & remove ( uint_t  fromIndex,
uint_t  toIndex = END 

Remove a portion of the string.

fromIndexThe start index of the range to remove.
toIndexThe end index of the range to remove, or END to remove to the end of the string.

◆ replace() [1/2]

String & replace ( const Char a,
const Char b 

Replace all occurences of one character with another.

aThe character to replace.
bThe replacement character.
The string.

◆ replace() [2/2]

String & replace ( const String a,
const String b 

Replace all occurences of one substring with another.

aThe substring to replace.
bThe replacement substring.
The string.

◆ reserve()

void reserve ( uint_t  capacity)

Reserve space in the string for the given number of characters.

If the new capacity is less than or equal to the current capacity, the string is not modified.

capacityThe new capacity.

◆ reverseChop()

String & reverseChop ( const Char c)

Truncate the string at the last occurrence of the given character.

cThe character at which to truncate.
The string.

◆ setCharAt()

String & setCharAt ( uint_t  index,
const Char c 

Set the character at the given index.

indexThe index.
cThe character to set.
OutOfBoundsExceptionIf index is out of range.

◆ setLength()

void setLength ( uint_t  length)

Set the length of the string.

Allows the string to be truncated to an arbitrary length.

lengthThe new length. The new length must be less than the current length; otherwise the string is left unmodified.

◆ split()

uint_t split ( StringVec tokens,
const String delim = whitespaceChars,
uint_t  limit = 0 
) const

Split the string into a series of tokens, without modifying the string.

tokensThe vector in which to place the extracted tokens. If a non-empty vector is supplied, the tokens are added to the end of the vector.
delimThe set of possible token delimiter characters (the set of whitespace characters by default).
limitThe maximum number of tokens to extract, or 0 for no limit (the default).
The number of tokens extracted.

◆ startsWith() [1/2]

bool startsWith ( const String str,
bool  ignoreCase = false 
) const

Test if the string starts with the given string.

strThe other string.
ignoreCaseA flag indicating whether the comparison should be case-insensitive.
true if the String begins with str, false otherwise.

◆ startsWith() [2/2]

bool startsWith ( const Char c,
bool  ignoreCase = false 
) const

Test if the string starts with the given character.

cThe character.
ignoreCaseA flag indicating whether the comparison should be case-insensitive.
true if the string begins with c, false otherwise.

◆ startsWithAnyOf()

bool startsWithAnyOf ( const String chars,
bool  ignoreCase = false 
) const

Test if the string starts with any character in a given set of characters.

charsThe set of characters.
ignoreCaseA flag indicating whether the comparison should be case-insensitive.
true if the string starts with one of the characters in the set, false otherwise.

◆ substring()

String substring ( uint_t  fromIndex,
uint_t  toIndex = END 
) const

Extract a substring from the string.

fromIndexThe start index of the substring.
toIndexThe end index of the substring, or END to indicate the end of the string.
The substring as a new string. If fromIndex and toIndex are equal, an empty string is returned.

◆ toBool()

bool toBool ( uint_t  index = 0) const

Parse a boolean value from the string.

indexThe index to begin parsing at.
The parsed value.

◆ toDouble()

double toDouble ( uint_t  index = 0) const

Parse a double precision floating point value from the string.

indexThe index to begin parsing at.
The parsed value.

◆ toFloat()

float toFloat ( uint_t  index = 0) const

Parse a floating point value from the string.

indexThe index to begin parsing at.
The parsed value.

◆ toInt()

int toInt ( uint_t  index = 0,
uint_t  base = 10 
) const

Parse an integer from the string.

indexThe index to begin parsing at.
baseThe base (2 - 36).
The parsed value.

◆ toInt64()

int64_t toInt64 ( uint_t  index = 0,
uint_t  base = 10 
) const

Parse a 64-bit integer from the string.

indexThe index to begin parsing at.
baseThe base (2 - 36).
The parsed value.

◆ toLowerCase()

String & toLowerCase ( )

Convert the string to lower case.

◆ toUInt()

uint_t toUInt ( uint_t  index = 0,
uint_t  base = 10 
) const

Parse an unsigned integer from the string.

indexThe index to begin parsing at.
baseThe base (2 - 36).
The parsed value.

◆ toUInt64()

uint64_t toUInt64 ( uint_t  index = 0,
uint_t  base = 10 
) const

Parse an unsigned 64-bit integer from the string.

indexThe index to begin parsing at.
baseThe base (2 - 36).
The parsed value.

◆ toUpperCase()

String & toUpperCase ( )

Convert the string to upper case.

◆ toUTF8()

CString toUTF8 ( ) const

Return the contents of the string as an immutable C string.

◆ trim()

String & trim ( const String chars = whitespaceChars,
bool  begin = true,
bool  end = true 

Trim leading and trailing characters from the string.

The string.

◆ trimBegin()

String& trimBegin ( const String chars = whitespaceChars)

Trim characters from the beginning of the string.

charsThe set of characters to trim (the set of whitespace characters by default).

◆ trimEnd()

String& trimEnd ( const String chars = whitespaceChars)

Trim characters from the end of the string.

charsThe set of characters to trim (the set of whitespace characters by default).

◆ write()

void write ( std::ostream &  stream) const

Write the string (in UTF-8 form) to a stream.

Member Data Documentation

◆ empty

const String empty = ""

The empty string.


const uint_t END = ~0

A pseudo-index indicating the end of the string.

◆ null

const String null = String()

The null string.

◆ nullRep

const String nullRep = String("(null)")

The string representation of the null value.

◆ whitespaceChars

const String whitespaceChars = " \t\f\r\n\v"

The set of whitespace delimiter characters.

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