►Nccxx | |
CAbstractBuffer | An abstract base class for buffers |
CAbstractCache | An abstract base class for a general-purpose LRU-cache with a maximum capacity |
CAddressInUseException | An exception indicating that a socket address could not be bound because it is already in use |
CAllocationMap | An index allocation map |
CApplication | Base functionality for an application, including command-line argument parsing and a shutdown handler |
CArray | A simple object wrapper for arrays |
CAsyncIOPoller | A class that polls a set of AsyncIOTask objects |
CAsyncIOTask | An object representing an asynchronous I/O operation |
CAtomicCounter | An integer counter whose value is modified in an atomic fashion |
CBase64 | Base-64 encoding and decoding routines |
►CBasicBufferedStream | A buffered stream |
CStreamBuf | An implementation of basic_streambuf from the standard C++ library |
►CBitSet | A compact representation of an array of bits (boolean values) |
CBit | A "reference" to a bit within a BitSet |
CBlob | A reference-counting, copy-on-write, threadsafe container for arbitrary binary data |
CBoundedQueue | A bounded, threadsafe FIFO processing queue |
►CBTree | A balanced, n-ary tree data structure for storing key/value relationships |
CIterator | A BTree iterator |
CBuffer | A buffer for storing a contiguous sequence of elements |
CByteArrayDataReader | A DataReader which reads data from a byte array |
CByteArrayDataWriter | A DataWriter which writes data to a byte array |
CByteBufferDataReader | A DataReader which reads data from a ByteBuffer |
CByteBufferDataWriter | A DataWriter which writes data to a ByteBuffer |
CByteOrder | Byte-order conversion routines |
CCache | A general-purpose LRU-cache with a maximum capacity |
CChar | A class representing a UTF-16 character |
CCharOps | UTF-16 character array operations |
CChecksum | A base class for checksum generators |
CCircularBuffer | A circular buffer that can be used to efficiently transfer data between buffers and/or streams |
CCircularByteBufferDataReader | A DataReader which reads data from a CircularByteBuffer |
CCircularByteBufferDataWriter | A DataWriter which writes data to a CircularByteBuffer |
CConditionVar | A condition variable – a synchronization mechanism used to coordinate the actions of multiple threads |
CConnection | An abstract object representing a network connection |
CConnectionRefusedException | An exception indicating that a connection attempt was refused because there was no process listening on the remote port |
CConsole | A class that provides basic control of the console, such as changing text attributes, clearing the screen, and moving the cursor |
CConsoleLogger | A logger that writes to the console (the standard error stream) |
CCPUStats | System CPU utilization statistics |
CCRC32Checksum | A class for generating CRC-32 checksums |
CCriticalSection | A critical section, a synchronization primitive that is typically more efficient than but roughly semantically equivalent to a Mutex |
CCString | An implicitly shared, reference-counted container for an immutable, NUL-terminated C string |
CCStringBuilder | A utility class for constructing C-style strings |
CCStringLessThanFunctor | A "less than" comparator for C strings |
►CDataEncoder | An abstract class with basic functionality that is common to all data decoders (readers) and data encoders (writers) |
CAlign | A manipulator that skips past enough bytes to re-align the data stream at a specified boundary |
CContext | A DataEncoder context |
CManipulator | A base class for DataEncoder manipulators |
CScopedContext | A lexically scoped DataEncoder context |
CSetEndianness | A manipulator that specifies the endianness of integer values to be subsequently encoded/decoded |
CSetLength | A manipulator that specifies the length of String, Blob, and array values to be subsequently encoded/decoded |
CSetLimit | A manipulator that specifies the maximum number of bytes that can be read/written |
CSkip | A manipulator that skips past bytes in the stream |
CDataFormatException | An exception indicating a data format error |
CDatagramSocket | A User Datagram (UDP) socket |
CDataReader | An abstract base class for data readers |
CDataWriter | An abstract base class for data writers |
CDate | A representation of a calendar date |
CDateTime | A representation of a calendar date and clock time |
CDateTimeFormat | A formatter for dates and times |
CDeleteFunctor | A functor that deletes its argument |
CDigest | An abstract base class for message digests |
CDir | Directory reading support |
CDirectoryWatcher | A class that watches for changes in a given directory |
CDynamicArray | A simple object wrapper for dynamically-allocated arrays |
CDynamicCache | An LRU cache implementation in which cache objects are deleted when they are removed from the cache |
CDynamicObjectPool | An object pool that dynamically allocates its objects |
CEncodingException | An exception indicating that a character string encoding error has occurred |
CEnumMap | A bidirectional mapping between enum values and static string constants |
CEnumTraits | A class of functions that describe traits of an enumeration |
CEOFException | An exception indicating an end-of-file condition for a file stream or a broken connection for a socket or pipe |
CEventHandler | A functor for event-handler callbacks |
CEventHandlerDelegate | An implementation of EventHandler that delegates to a method in an object |
CException | A general-purpose exception |
CExitStatus | The exit status of a process |
CFile | A representation of a file in the filesystem |
CFileAttributes | File attributes |
CFileLogger | A logger that writes to a file, and can optionally perform log rotation |
CFileName | A class representing a filename |
CFilePtr | A smart pointer for stdio streams |
CFileTraverser | A depth- or breadth-first file traverser |
CFlags | A wrapper template for primitive integer types that represent flag bitmasks |
CHash | A collection of hash functions |
CHex | Routines for ASCII hex encoding and decoding |
CHostNotFoundException | An exception indicating a hostname resolution failure or malformed IP address string |
CInetAddress | An IPv4 Internet address |
CInterruptedException | An exception indicating that a blocking operation was interrupted |
CIntervalTimer | A high-precision interval timer that does not require blocking or polling from a dedicated thread |
CInvalidArgumentException | An exception indicating that an invalid argument was passed to a function |
CIOException | An exception indicating an I/O error |
CIterator | A Java-style iterator |
CJavaArrayAccessException | An exception indicating an attempt to store a value of an inappropriate type into a Java array |
CJavaBuffer | An implementation of Buffer representing a Java direct buffer |
CJavaClassLoaderException | An exception indicating that the raw bytecode for a class could not be loaded because of a class format, bytecode verification, or security error |
CJavaClassNotFoundException | An exception indicating that a requested Java class was not found |
CJavaContext | When the Invocation Interface is being used (that is, when a C++ program calls into Java code), the getContext() method of the JavaVirtualMachine class is used to obtain an appropriate JavaContext object |
CJavaException | A base class for all Java Virtual Machine exceptions |
CJavaFieldAccessException | An exception indicating an attempt at an invalid field access |
CJavaFieldNotFoundException | An exception indicating that a requested field of a Java class was not found |
CJavaInstantiationException | An exception indicating that an error occurred while instantiating a Java class |
CJavaInvocationException | An exception indicating that a Java exception occurred while invoking a Java method |
CJavaMethodNotFoundException | An exception indicating that a requested method of a Java class was not found |
CJavaMonitorException | An exception indicating an illegal monitor state |
CJavaNativeMethod | A structure representing a Java native method |
CJavaNotAttachedException | An exception indicating that a call was made from a native thread that is not attached to the JVM |
CJavaOutOfMemoryException | An exception indicating exhaustion of heap space in the Java Virtual Machine |
CJavaScope | A convenience class for creating lexical Java scopes in native code |
CJavaSignatureException | An exception indicating that a Java method signature string was malformed |
CJavaThreadException | An exception indicating a native thread attach or detach operation failed |
CJavaThreadLocalBuffer | Thread-local Java direct buffer |
CJavaVirtualMachine | An object that encapsulates (most of) the Java Native Interface (JNI) to a Java Virtual Machine |
CLoadableModule | An encapsulation of a dynamically loadable module, such as a shared library or object file on UNIX systems or a DLL on Windows |
CLoadAverageStats | System "load average" statistics |
CLocale | A class that encapsulates locale-specific information |
CLock | An abstract base class for synchronization primitives |
CLog | Logging routines |
CLogFormat | A log message formatter |
CLogger | An abstract base class for threadsafe loggers |
CMACAddress | A network hardware (MAC) address |
CMD5Digest | A class for generating MD5 digests |
CMD5Password | MD5-hash password encryption and validation routines |
CMemoryBlock | An encapsulation of a block of memory |
CMemoryMappedFile | An abstraction of a memory-mapped file |
CMemoryStats | System memory utilization statistics |
CMulticastSocket | A UDP multicast socket |
CMutex | A mutual-exclusion lock |
CNetwork | Network-related routines |
CNetworkInterface | An aggregation of information about a network interface |
CNullPointerException | An exception indicating an attempt to dereference a null pointer |
CNumeric | Numeric and bitwise utility functions |
CObjectPool | A base class for object pools |
CObjectPoolException | An exception indicating an ObjectPool error |
COutOfBoundsException | An exception indicating that an attempted operation would result in an out-of-range array index access or a buffer overflow/underflow |
CParseException | An exception indicating a parsing error |
CPathNotFoundException | An exception indicating a file or directory was not found |
CPermissions | File permissions |
CPipe | A unidirectional stream pipe |
CPlugin | A class representing a dynamically loaded plugin |
CPluginLoader | A convenience class for loading Plugin objects |
CProcess | A system process |
CProgressTracker | An interface for tracking the progress of a lengthy operation |
CProgressTrackerDelegate | An implementation of ProgressTracker that delegates to a method in an object |
CPulseTimer | A timer that fires at regular intervals, with a resolution of 1 second |
CRandom | A random number generator |
CReadWriteLock | A Read/Write lock – a synchronization primitive that allows multiple threads to coordinate access to a mutable resource |
CRefSet | A reference-counted set |
CRegExp | A regular expression |
CRegExpMatch | A regular expression substring match |
CRunnable | A runnable object |
CRunnableClosure | An adapter object similar to RunnableDelegate that additionally takes an arbitrary argument which will be passed to the member function |
CRunnableDelegate | An adapter object that implements the Runnable interface and delegates to an arbitrary method (one that must have no arguments or return value) in some other object |
CScopedLock | A convenience object for lexical scope based synchronization |
CScopedPtr | A non-copyable scoped pointer |
CScopedReadLock | A convenience object for lexical scope based synchronization |
CScopedWriteLock | A convenience object for lexical scope based synchronization |
CSearchPath | A file search path |
CSemaphore | A counting semaphore – a synchronization primitive that allows multiple processes to coordinate access to a shared resource |
CSerialPort | A class representing a serial communications port |
CServerSocket | A server (listening) socket for StreamSocket (TCP) connections |
CServerStreamPipe | A server (listening) pipe for StreamPipe connections |
CService | Basic functionality for a system service, such as a daemon on UNIX or an "NT Service" on Windows |
CSHA1Digest | A class for generating SHA-1 digests |
CSharedMemoryBlock | An encapsulation of a block of memory that can be mapped by one or more (not necessarily related) processes; when one process changes the data in the block, the changes are immediately visible to the other processes |
CSharedPtr | A threadsafe, reference-counting smart pointer |
CSocket | A base class for network sockets |
CSocketAddress | A socket endpoint network address |
CSocketException | A general-purpose socket exception |
CSocketIOException | A general-purose socket I/O exception |
CSocketSelector | A socket I/O selector |
CSQLDatabase | A class representing a session with an embedded SQL database |
CSQLException | An exception indicating a SQL database error |
CSQLQuery | An SQL prepared statement that can be efficiently executed multiple times |
CSQLTransaction | A scoped database transaction |
CSQLValueBinder | A value binder for a SQLQuery object |
CStaticCache | An LRU cache implementation in which cache objects are recycled when they are removed from the cache |
CStaticObjectPool | An object pool that allocates (presumably fixed-size) objects in a contiguous memory buffer |
CStopWatch | A stopwatch-style timer |
CStream | An unbuffered I/O stream |
CStreamDataReader | A DataReader which reads data from a Stream |
CStreamDataWriter | A DataWriter which writes data to a Stream |
CStreamPipe | A full-duplex stream pipe |
CStreamSocket | A reliable, connection-oriented stream (TCP) socket |
CString | A flexible, reference counted, copy-on-write, thread-safe, nullable string |
CStringVec | A String vector |
CSystem | Various system-level utility functions |
CSystemException | A system-level exception |
CSystemLog | The system event log |
CSystemStats | A collector of system performance or resource utilization statistics |
CTempFile | A temporary file that may optionally "shadow" another file |
CThread | A thread of execution |
CThreadLocal | Thread-local storage smart pointer |
CThreadLocalBuffer | Thread-local data buffer |
CThreadLocalCounter | Thread-local numeric counter |
CTime | A representation of a clock time |
CTimeoutException | An exception indicating that a blocking operation has timed out |
CTimeSpan | A span of time (a delta), represented in milliseconds |
CTimeSpec | A time specification, such as that used by cron servers |
CUnsupportedOperationException | An exception indicating that an attempted operation is not supported |
CURL | A class representing a URL (Uniform Resource Locator) |
CUTF32Decoder | A UTF-32 to UTF-16 string transcoder |
CUTF8Decoder | A UTF-8 to UTF-16 string transcoder |
CUTF8Encoder | A UTF-16 to UTF-8 string transcoder |
CUTFDecoder | A base class for transcoders that decode strings to UTF-16 from a different UTF encoding |
CUUID | A universally unique identifier |
CVariant | A general-purpose variant type |
CVersion | A class representing an interface version number |
CXDRDecoder | A decoder for XDR, the eXternal Data Representation format |
CXDREncoder | An encoder for XDR, the eXternal Data Representation format |
CXMLDocument | An object representing an XML document |
CXMLElement | An object representing an XML element |
CXMLElementConstIterator | An XMLElement const iterator |
CXMLElementIterator | An XMLElement iterator |