libcommonc++  0.7
File Class Reference

A representation of a file in the filesystem. More...

#include <File.h++>

Inheritance diagram for File:
Collaboration diagram for File:

Public Member Functions

 File (const String &path)
 Construct a new File with the given path. More...
virtual ~File ()
 Destructor. More...
void open (IOMode mode=IOReadWrite, FileOpenMode openMode=FileOpenElseCreate, const Permissions &perm=Permissions::USER_READ_WRITE)
 Open the file. More...
bool exists () const
 Test if the file exists. More...
bool isDirectory () const
 Test if the file is a directory. More...
bool isFile () const
 Test if the file is a plain file. More...
bool isPipe () const
 Test if the file is a pipe or socket. More...
bool isSymLink () const
 Test if the file is a symbolic link. More...
bool touch ()
 Touch the file. More...
bool remove ()
 Remove the file. More...
bool setPermissions (const Permissions &perm)
 Set the file permissions. More...
bool getPermissions (Permissions &perm)
 Get the file permissions. More...
bool lockRange (uint64_t start, uint64_t length, LockType type, bool wait=true)
 Lock a range of bytes in the file. More...
bool unlockRange (uint64_t start, uint64_t length)
 Unlock a range of bytes in the file. More...
void truncate (uint64_t size=0)
 Truncate the file to a given size. More...
String getPath () const
 Get the pathname for the file. More...
int64_t getSize ()
 Get the size of the file. More...
virtual size_t read (ByteBuffer &buffer)
 Read data from the stream into a ByteBuffer. More...
virtual size_t read (CharBuffer &buffer)
 Read data from the stream into a CharBuffer. More...
template<typename T >
size_t read (Buffer< T > &buffer, size_t &partial)
 Read data from the stream into a Buffer of arbitrary type. More...
virtual size_t read (byte_t *buffer, size_t buflen)
 Read data from the stream into a raw buffer. More...
size_t read (byte_t *buffer, size_t buflen, int64_t offset, AsyncIOTask &task)
 Read data asynchronously from the stream into a raw buffer. More...
size_t read (ByteBuffer &buffer, int64_t offset, AsyncIOTask &task)
 Read data asynchronously from the stream into a Buffer. More...
virtual size_t read (MemoryBlock *vec, uint_t count)
 Read data from the stream into a series of I/O buffers. More...
size_t write (const byte_t *buffer, size_t buflen, int64_t offset, AsyncIOTask &task)
 Write data asynchronously to the stream from a raw buffer. More...
size_t write (ByteBuffer &buffer, int64_t offset, AsyncIOTask &task)
 Write data asynchronously to the stream from a Buffer. More...
virtual size_t write (ByteBuffer &buffer)
 Write data to the stream from a ByteBuffer. More...
virtual size_t write (CharBuffer &buffer)
 Write data to the stream from a CharBuffer. More...
template<typename T >
size_t write (Buffer< T > &buffer, size_t &partial)
 Write data to the stream from a Buffer of arbitrary type. More...
virtual size_t write (const byte_t *buffer, size_t buflen)
 Write data to the stream from a raw buffer, until either the entire buffer is written or an error or timeout occurs. More...
virtual size_t write (const MemoryBlock *vec, uint_t count)
 Write data to the stream from a series of I/O buffers. More...
virtual size_t readFully (ByteBuffer &buffer, size_t count=0)
 Read data from the stream into a ByteBuffer, until either the buffer is full or an error or timeout occurs. More...
virtual size_t readFully (CharBuffer &buffer, size_t count=0)
 Read data from the stream into a CharBuffer, until either the buffer is full or an error or timeout occurs. More...
template<typename T >
size_t readFully (Buffer< T > &buffer, size_t &partial)
 Read data from the stream into a Buffer of arbitrary type, until either the buffer is full or an error or timeout occurs. More...
virtual size_t readFully (byte_t *buffer, size_t buflen)
 Read data from the stream into a raw buffer, until either the buffer is full or an error or timeout occurs. More...
virtual size_t writeFully (ByteBuffer &buffer)
 Write data to the stream from a ByteBuffer, until either the entire buffer is written or an error or timeout occurs. More...
virtual size_t writeFully (CharBuffer &buffer)
 Write data to the stream from a CharBuffer, until either the entire buffer is written or an error or timeout occurs. More...
template<typename T >
size_t writeFully (Buffer< T > &buffer, size_t &partial)
 Write data to the stream from a Buffer of arbitrary type, until either the entire buffer is written or an error or timeout occurs. More...
virtual size_t writeFully (const byte_t *buffer, size_t buflen)
 Write data to the stream from a raw buffer. More...
virtual int64_t seek (int64_t offset, SeekMode mode=SeekAbsolute)
 Reposition the seek pointer in the stream. More...
virtual int64_t tell ()
 Get the current (absolute) offset of the seek pointer. More...
bool isOpen () const
 Test if the stream is open. More...
bool isSeekable () const
 Test if the stream supports seeking. More...
bool isReadable () const
 Test if the stream can be read from. More...
bool isWritable () const
 Test if the stream can be written to. More...
bool isFullDuplex () const
 Test if the stream is full-duplex (i.e., supports both reading and writing). More...
bool isHalfDuplex () const
 Test if the stream is half-duplex (i.e., supports either reading or writing, but not both). More...
virtual void close (IOMode mode=IOReadWrite)
 Close the stream for reading, writing, or both. More...
virtual void setTimeout (timespan_ms_t timeout)
 Set the stream I/O timeout, in milliseconds. More...
timespan_ms_t getTimeout () const
 Get the stream I/O timeout, in milliseconds. More...

Static Public Member Functions

static bool makeDirectory (const String &path, bool createAll=false, const Permissions &perm=Permissions::defaultDirPerms)
 Create a directory. More...
static bool remove (const String &path)
 Remove a file. More...
static bool removeDirectory (const String &path)
 Remove a directory. More...
static bool removeDirectoryTree (const String &path)
 Recursively remove all files and directories rooted at a given directory. More...
static bool exists (const String &path)
 Test a file for existence. More...
static bool isDirectory (const String &path)
 Test if a file is a directory. More...
static bool isFile (const String &path)
 Test if a file is a plain file. More...
static bool isPipe (const String &path)
 Test if a file is a pipe or socket. More...
static bool isSymLink (const String &path)
 Test if a file is a symbolic link. More...
static bool readSymLink (String &path)
 Read a symbolic link. More...
static bool resolveSymLink (String &path)
 Resolve a symbolic link. More...
static bool createLink (const String &oldPath, const String &newPath, bool hardLink=false)
 Create a hard or soft link to an existing file. More...
static bool setPermissions (const String &path, const Permissions &perm)
 Set the permissions on a file. More...
static bool getPermissions (const String &path, Permissions &perm)
 Get the permissions for a file. More...
static bool getAttributes (const String &path, FileAttributes &attrs)
 Get file attributes. More...
static int64_t getSize (const String &path)
 Get the size of a file. More...
static bool rename (const String &oldName, const String &newName)
 Rename a file. More...
static bool copy (const String &oldFile, const String &newFile)
 Copy a file to another file. More...
static bool move (const String &oldFile, const String &newFile)
 Move a file or directory to another location within the same volume or filesystem. More...
static bool touch (const String &path)
 Touch a file. More...
static String readToString (const String &path)
 Reads a file into a string. More...
static void getFileSystemRoots (StringVec &roots, bool localOnly=true)
 Get the filesystem roots. More...
static void setCreationMask (const Permissions &perm)
 Set the file creation mask for the current process. More...
static uint64_t getDiskFreeSpace (const String &path)
 Get the amount of free space, in bytes, on the disk or filesystem associated with the given path. More...
static size_t getDiskBlockSize (const String &path)
 Get the disk block size, in bytes, on the disk or filesystem associated with the given path. More...
static int64_t roundSizeToBlockSize (const int64_t &fileSize, size_t blockSize)
 Round a file size to the next higher multiple of the given block size. More...
static String removeTrailingSeparators (const String &path)
 Remove trailing file separators from a file path. More...
static bool isValidSeparator (char c)
 Determine if a given character is a valid file separator for the host system. More...
static bool isValidSeparator (char16_t c)
 Determine if a given character is a valid file separator for the host system. More...

Static Public Attributes

static const char separator = FS
 The host system's file separator character. More...
static const char validSeparators []
 A string containing all valid file separator characters for the host system. More...
static const char separatorString [] = { File::separator, NUL }
 The host system's file separator character, as a string. More...
static const char * eol = EOL
 The host system's end-of-line character sequence. More...
static const uint_t MAX_IOBLOCK_COUNT = 16
 The maximum number of I/O buffers that can be passed to the vector I/O methods. More...

Protected Member Functions

void _init (FileHandle handle, bool seekable, bool readable, bool writable)
 Initialize the stream for use with an open file. More...

Protected Attributes

String _name

Detailed Description

A representation of a file in the filesystem.

The class also provides some static filesystem-related utility functions.

Mark Lindner

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

◆ File()

File ( const String path)

Construct a new File with the given path.

pathThe path.

◆ ~File()

~File ( )


Member Function Documentation

◆ _init()

void _init ( FileHandle  handle,
bool  seekable,
bool  readable,
bool  writable 

Initialize the stream for use with an open file.

handleThe handle to an open file.
seekableA flag indicating whether the stream is seekable.
readableA flag indicating whether the stream is readable.
writableA flag indicating whether the stream is writable.

◆ close()

void close ( IOMode  mode = IOReadWrite)

Close the stream for reading, writing, or both.

modeThe close mode.

Reimplemented in StreamSocket, and StreamPipe.

◆ copy()

bool copy ( const String oldFile,
const String newFile 

Copy a file to another file.

oldFileThe source file.
newFileThe target file.
true on success, false otherwise.

◆ createLink()

bool createLink ( const String oldPath,
const String newPath,
bool  hardLink = false 

Create a hard or soft link to an existing file.

oldPathThe path to the existing file.
newPathThe path of the link.
hardLinkA flag indicating whether the link should be a hard link or soft (symbolic) link. Windows only supports hard links, so attempts to create a symbolic link on that platform will fail.
true on success, false otherwise.

◆ exists() [1/2]

bool exists ( ) const

Test if the file exists.

◆ exists() [2/2]

bool exists ( const String path)

Test a file for existence.

pathThe path of the file.
true if the file exists, false otherwise.

◆ getAttributes()

bool getAttributes ( const String path,
FileAttributes attrs 

Get file attributes.

pathThe file.
attrsThe FileAttributes object into which the file's attributes should be placed.
true on success, false otherwise.

◆ getDiskBlockSize()

size_t getDiskBlockSize ( const String path)

Get the disk block size, in bytes, on the disk or filesystem associated with the given path.

pathThe path. On POSIX systems, the path can refer to any file; the value returned will be the amount of free space on the disk partition containing that file. On Windows systems, the path should be one of the filesystem roots as returned by getFileSystemRoots().
The size of a disk block, in bytes.

◆ getDiskFreeSpace()

uint64_t getDiskFreeSpace ( const String path)

Get the amount of free space, in bytes, on the disk or filesystem associated with the given path.

pathThe path. On POSIX systems, the path can refer to any file; the value returned will be the amount of free space on the disk partition containing that file. On Windows systems, the path should be one of the filesystem roots as returned by getFileSystemRoots().
The amount of free disk space, in bytes.

◆ getFileSystemRoots()

void getFileSystemRoots ( StringVec roots,
bool  localOnly = true 

Get the filesystem roots.

On POSIX systems there is only one root, namely "/". On Windows, there are multiple roots, corresponding to the mapped drive letters such as "C:", "D:", etc.

rootsThe vector in which to place the roots.
localOnlyA flag indicating that only roots corresponding to local (non-read-only, non-networked) disks should be returned. This option is only significant on Windows.

◆ getPath()

String getPath ( ) const

Get the pathname for the file.

◆ getPermissions() [1/2]

bool getPermissions ( Permissions perm)

Get the file permissions.

(NOTE: this call is very slow on Windows.)

permThe Permissions object into which the file's permissions should be placed.
true on success, false otherwise.

◆ getPermissions() [2/2]

bool getPermissions ( const String path,
Permissions perm 

Get the permissions for a file.

pathThe file.
permThe Permissions object into which the file's permissions should be placed.
true on success, false otherwise.

◆ getSize() [1/2]

int64_t getSize ( )

Get the size of the file.

The size of the file.
IOExceptionIf an error occurs.

◆ getSize() [2/2]

int64_t getSize ( const String path)

Get the size of a file.

pathThe file.
The size of the file, in bytes, or -1 if the file was not found.

◆ getTimeout()

timespan_ms_t getTimeout ( ) const

Get the stream I/O timeout, in milliseconds.

◆ isDirectory() [1/2]

bool isDirectory ( ) const

Test if the file is a directory.

◆ isDirectory() [2/2]

bool isDirectory ( const String path)

Test if a file is a directory.

pathThe path of the file.
true if the file exists and is a directory, false otherwise.

◆ isFile() [1/2]

bool isFile ( ) const

Test if the file is a plain file.

◆ isFile() [2/2]

bool isFile ( const String path)

Test if a file is a plain file.

pathThe path of the file.
true if the file exists and is a plain file, false otherwise.

◆ isFullDuplex()

bool isFullDuplex ( ) const

Test if the stream is full-duplex (i.e., supports both reading and writing).

◆ isHalfDuplex()

bool isHalfDuplex ( ) const

Test if the stream is half-duplex (i.e., supports either reading or writing, but not both).

◆ isOpen()

bool isOpen ( ) const

Test if the stream is open.

◆ isPipe() [1/2]

bool isPipe ( ) const

Test if the file is a pipe or socket.

◆ isPipe() [2/2]

bool isPipe ( const String path)

Test if a file is a pipe or socket.

pathThe path of the file.
true if the file exists and is a pipe or socket, false otherwise.

◆ isReadable()

bool isReadable ( ) const

Test if the stream can be read from.

◆ isSeekable()

bool isSeekable ( ) const

Test if the stream supports seeking.

◆ isSymLink() [1/2]

bool isSymLink ( ) const

Test if the file is a symbolic link.

(Some platforms do not support symbolic links.)

true if the file exists and is a symbolic link, false otherwise.

◆ isSymLink() [2/2]

bool isSymLink ( const String path)

Test if a file is a symbolic link.

(Some platforms do not support symbolic links.)

pathThe path of the file.
true if the file exists and is a symbolic link, false otherwise.

◆ isValidSeparator() [1/2]

bool isValidSeparator ( char  c)

Determine if a given character is a valid file separator for the host system.

◆ isValidSeparator() [2/2]

bool isValidSeparator ( char16_t  c)

Determine if a given character is a valid file separator for the host system.

◆ isWritable()

bool isWritable ( ) const

Test if the stream can be written to.

◆ lockRange()

bool lockRange ( uint64_t  start,
uint64_t  length,
LockType  type,
bool  wait = true 

Lock a range of bytes in the file.

The type of lock may be mandatory or advisory, depending on what the host system supports.

startThe start offset of the range to lock.
lengthThe length of the range to lock.
typeThe type of lock.
waitA flag indicating whether the method should block until the lock is acquired, or return immediately if it can't be.
true if the range was successfully locked, false otherwise.

◆ makeDirectory()

bool makeDirectory ( const String path,
bool  createAll = false,
const Permissions perm = Permissions::defaultDirPerms 

Create a directory.

pathThe path to the new directory.
createAllA flag indicating whether any nonexsitent intermediate directories in path should also be created.
permThe permissions to assign to the new directory.
true if the directory was successfully created (or already existed), false otherwise.

◆ move()

bool move ( const String oldFile,
const String newFile 

Move a file or directory to another location within the same volume or filesystem.

oldFileThe source file.
newFileThe target location.
true on success, false otherwise.

◆ open()

void open ( IOMode  mode = IOReadWrite,
FileOpenMode  openMode = FileOpenElseCreate,
const Permissions perm = Permissions::USER_READ_WRITE 

Open the file.

modeThe I/O mode.
openModeThe file open mode.
permThe permissions for the file, if the file is being created.
IOExceptionIf an I/O error occurs.

◆ read() [1/7]

size_t read ( ByteBuffer buffer)

Read data from the stream into a ByteBuffer.

bufferThe buffer to read into.
The number of bytes actually read.
IOExceptionIf the end-of-file was reached or some other I/O error occurred.

Reimplemented in StreamSocket.

◆ read() [2/7]

size_t read ( CharBuffer buffer)

Read data from the stream into a CharBuffer.

bufferThe buffer to read into.
The number of characters actually read.
IOExceptionIf the end-of-file was reached or some other I/O error occurred.

Reimplemented in StreamSocket.

◆ read() [3/7]

size_t read ( Buffer< T > &  buffer,
size_t &  partial 

Read data from the stream into a Buffer of arbitrary type.

If sizeof(T) is greater than 1 byte, then there can be no guarantee that the number of bytes read before a timeout or error occurs will be evenly divisible by sizeof(T). If the final element was partially read, the number of bytes of the element that were read will be stored in partial; this value should be passed unmodified to the next invocation of this method to continue reading from the appropriate offset within the partially-read element.

bufferThe buffer to read into.
partialThe number of bytes remaining to read for a partially-read element; on return, the number of bytes read of a partially-read element, or 0 if the last element was read completely. Should be set to 0 prior to the first call to this method for a fresh buffer.
The number of whole elements actually read.
IOExceptionIf the end-of-file was reached or some other I/O error occurred.

◆ read() [4/7]

size_t read ( byte_t buffer,
size_t  buflen 

Read data from the stream into a raw buffer.

bufferThe buffer to read into.
buflenThe number of bytes to read.
The number of bytes actually read.
IOExceptionIf the end-of-file was reached or some other I/O error occurred.

Reimplemented in StreamSocket.

◆ read() [5/7]

size_t read ( byte_t buffer,
size_t  buflen,
int64_t  offset,
AsyncIOTask task 

Read data asynchronously from the stream into a raw buffer.

bufferThe buffer to read into.
buflenThe number of bytes to read.
offsetThe file offset to read from.
taskThe async I/O control block for monitoring the operation.
The number of bytes actually read, if the operation completed immediately, otherwise 0 to indicate that the operation has begun.
IOExceptionIf an I/O error occurred.

◆ read() [6/7]

size_t read ( ByteBuffer buffer,
int64_t  offset,
AsyncIOTask task 

Read data asynchronously from the stream into a Buffer.

bufferThe Buffer to read into. This object must not be destroyed before the asynchronous I/O operation is completed or cancelled.
offsetThe file offset to read from.
taskThe async I/O control block for monitoring the operation.
The number of bytes actually read, if the operation completed immediately, otherwise 0 to indicate that the operation has begun.
IOExceptionIf an I/O error occurred.

◆ read() [7/7]

size_t read ( MemoryBlock vec,
uint_t  count 

Read data from the stream into a series of I/O buffers.

This operation is known as "vector read" or "scatter read." The buffers are read into in order. On systems that support it, the operation is performed with a single system call.

vecAn array of buffers to read into.
countThe number of buffers in the array.
IOExceptionIf the end-of-file was reached or some other I/O error occurred.

Reimplemented in StreamSocket.

◆ readFully() [1/4]

size_t readFully ( ByteBuffer buffer,
size_t  count = 0 

Read data from the stream into a ByteBuffer, until either the buffer is full or an error or timeout occurs.

bufferThe buffer to read into.
countThe number of bytes to read. If 0 or greater than the number of bytes between the position and the limit, reads up to the limit.
The number of bytes actually read.
IOExceptionIf the end-of-file was reached or some other I/O error occurred.

◆ readFully() [2/4]

size_t readFully ( CharBuffer buffer,
size_t  count = 0 

Read data from the stream into a CharBuffer, until either the buffer is full or an error or timeout occurs.

bufferThe buffer to read into.
countThe number of characters to read. If 0 or greater than the number of bytes between the position and the limit, reads up to the limit.
The number of bytes actually read.
IOExceptionIf the end-of-file was reached or some other I/O error occurred.

◆ readFully() [3/4]

size_t readFully ( Buffer< T > &  buffer,
size_t &  partial 

Read data from the stream into a Buffer of arbitrary type, until either the buffer is full or an error or timeout occurs.

If sizeof(T) is greater than 1 byte, then there can be no guarantee that the number of bytes read before a timeout or error occurs will be evenly divisible by sizeof(T). If the final element was partially read, the number of bytes of the element that were read will be stored in partial; this value should be passed unmodified to the next invocation of this method to continue reading from the appropriate offset within the partially-read element.

bufferThe buffer to read into.
partialThe number of bytes remaining to read for a partially-read element; on return, the number of bytes read of a partially-read element, or 0 if the last element was read completely. Should be set to 0 prior to the first call to this method for a fresh buffer.
The number of whole elements actually read.
IOExceptionIf the end-of-file was reached or some other I/O error occurred.

◆ readFully() [4/4]

size_t readFully ( byte_t buffer,
size_t  buflen 

Read data from the stream into a raw buffer, until either the buffer is full or an error or timeout occurs.

bufferThe buffer to read into.
buflenThe number of bytes to read.
The number of bytes actually read.
IOExceptionIf the end-of-file was reached or some other I/O error occurred.

◆ readSymLink()

bool readSymLink ( String path)

Read a symbolic link.

pathThe path to the symbolic link. On return, the literal path to the file to which the link points (relative to the link itself).
true on success, or false if the symbolic link could not be read, or if the path does not refer to a symbolic link.

◆ readToString()

String readToString ( const String path)

Reads a file into a string.

The file's contents are assumed to be UTF-8 encoded text.

pathThe path to the file.
The contents of tha file, as a String, or String::null if an error occurred while reading the file.

◆ remove() [1/2]

bool remove ( )

Remove the file.

true if the file was successfully removed, false otherwise.

◆ remove() [2/2]

bool remove ( const String path)

Remove a file.

pathThe path to the file.
true if the file was successfully removed, false otherwise.

◆ removeDirectory()

bool removeDirectory ( const String path)

Remove a directory.

Only empty directories may be removed using this function.

pathThe path to the directory.
true if the directory was successfully removed, false otherwise.

◆ removeDirectoryTree()

bool removeDirectoryTree ( const String path)

Recursively remove all files and directories rooted at a given directory.

The removal process will not be interrupted if any errors are encountered.

pathThe path to the root of the directory tree to remove.
true if the directory tree was successfully removed, false if any errors occurred during the removal.

◆ removeTrailingSeparators()

String removeTrailingSeparators ( const String path)

Remove trailing file separators from a file path.

pathThe path.
The path with trailing file separators removed.

◆ rename()

bool rename ( const String oldName,
const String newName 

Rename a file.

oldNameThe file to rename.
newNameThe new name for the file.
true on success, false otherwise.

◆ resolveSymLink()

bool resolveSymLink ( String path)

Resolve a symbolic link.

pathThe path to the symbolic link. On return, the canonical path to the file to which the link points.
true on success, or false if the symbolic link could not be read, or if the path does not refer to a symbolic link.

◆ roundSizeToBlockSize()

int64_t roundSizeToBlockSize ( const int64_t &  fileSize,
size_t  blockSize 

Round a file size to the next higher multiple of the given block size.

This method may be used to determine the actual amount of space that a file occupies on disk.

fileSizeThe file size.
blockSizeThe block size.
The rounded file size.

◆ seek()

int64_t seek ( int64_t  offset,
SeekMode  mode = SeekAbsolute 

Reposition the seek pointer in the stream.

offsetThe new offset.
modeThe seek mode.
The new position of the seek pointer.
IOExceptionIf the stream does not support seeking, or if some other I/O error occurred.

◆ setCreationMask()

void setCreationMask ( const Permissions perm)

Set the file creation mask for the current process.

This function is POSIX-specific; it has no effect on Windows.

permThe permissions that will be turned off on newly created files.

◆ setPermissions() [1/2]

bool setPermissions ( const Permissions perm)

Set the file permissions.

permThe Permissions to set.
true on success, false otherwise.

◆ setPermissions() [2/2]

bool setPermissions ( const String path,
const Permissions perm 

Set the permissions on a file.

pathThe file.
permThe Permissions to set.
true on success, false otherwise.

◆ setTimeout()

void setTimeout ( timespan_ms_t  timeout)

Set the stream I/O timeout, in milliseconds.

A timeout of 0 indicates no timeout, and a timeout of -1 indicates infinite timeout (blocking I/O).

Reimplemented in StreamSocket, and SerialPort.

◆ tell()

int64_t tell ( )

Get the current (absolute) offset of the seek pointer.

The current offset, from the beginning of the stream.
IOExceptionIf the stream does not support seeking, or if some other I/O error occurred.

◆ touch() [1/2]

bool touch ( )

Touch the file.

The file's last-accessed timestamp is updated if the file exists; otherwise the file is created as an empty file.

true on success, false otherwise.

◆ touch() [2/2]

bool touch ( const String path)

Touch a file.

The file's last-accessed timestamp is updated if the file exists; otherwise the file is created as an empty file.

pathThe path to the file.
true on success, false otherwise.

◆ truncate()

void truncate ( uint64_t  size = 0)

Truncate the file to a given size.

On return, the file seek pointer will be at the end of the file.

sizeThe new size of the file, which must be less than or equal to the file's current size. Truncating a file to extend its size produces different results on POSIX vs. Windows systems, and thus is not supported.
IOExceptionIf the operation fails, or if the specified size is greater than the file's current size.

◆ unlockRange()

bool unlockRange ( uint64_t  start,
uint64_t  length 

Unlock a range of bytes in the file.

The range must match a range that was previously locked with lockRange().

startThe start offset of the range to unlock.
lengthThe length of the range to unlock.
true if the range was successfully unlocked, false otherwise.

◆ write() [1/7]

size_t write ( const byte_t buffer,
size_t  buflen,
int64_t  offset,
AsyncIOTask task 

Write data asynchronously to the stream from a raw buffer.

bufferThe buffer to write.
buflenThe number of bytes to write.
offsetThe file offset to write to.
taskThe async I/O control block for monitoring the operation.
The number of bytes actually written, if the operation completed immediately, otherwise 0 to indicate that the operation has begun.
IOExceptionIf an I/O error occurred.

◆ write() [2/7]

size_t write ( ByteBuffer buffer,
int64_t  offset,
AsyncIOTask task 

Write data asynchronously to the stream from a Buffer.

bufferThe Buffer to write. This object must not be destroyed before the asynchronous I/O operation is completed or cancelled.
offsetThe file offset to write to.
taskThe async I/O control block for monitoring the operation.
The number of bytes actually written, if the operation completed immediately, otherwise 0 to indicate that the operation has begun.
IOExceptionIf an I/O error occurred.

◆ write() [3/7]

size_t write ( ByteBuffer buffer)

Write data to the stream from a ByteBuffer.

bufferThe buffer to write.
The number of bytes actually written.
IOExceptionIf an I/O error occurred.

Reimplemented in StreamSocket.

◆ write() [4/7]

size_t write ( CharBuffer buffer)

Write data to the stream from a CharBuffer.

bufferThe buffer to write.
The number of characters actually written.
IOExceptionIf an I/O error occurred.

Reimplemented in StreamSocket.

◆ write() [5/7]

size_t write ( Buffer< T > &  buffer,
size_t &  partial 

Write data to the stream from a Buffer of arbitrary type.

If sizeof(T) is greater than 1 byte, then there can be no guarantee that the number of bytes written before a timeout or error occurs will be evenly divisible by sizeof(T). If the final element was partially written, the number of bytes of the element that were written will be stored in partial; this value should be passed unmodified to the next invocation of this method to continue writing from the appropriate offset within the partially-written element.

bufferThe buffer to write.
partialThe number of bytes remaining to write for a partially-written element; on return, the number of bytes written of a partially-written element, or 0 if the last element was written completely. Should be set to 0 prior to the first call to this method for a fresh buffer.
The number of whole elements actually written.
IOExceptionIf an I/O error occurred.

◆ write() [6/7]

size_t write ( const byte_t buffer,
size_t  buflen 

Write data to the stream from a raw buffer, until either the entire buffer is written or an error or timeout occurs.

bufferA pointer to the buffer.
buflenThe number of bytes to write.
The number of bytes actually written.
IOExceptionIf an I/O error occurred.

Reimplemented in StreamSocket.

◆ write() [7/7]

size_t write ( const MemoryBlock vec,
uint_t  count 

Write data to the stream from a series of I/O buffers.

This operation is known as "vector write" or "gather write." The buffers are written in order. On systems that support it, the operation is performed with a single system call.

vecAn array of buffers to write.
countThe number of buffers in the array.
IOExceptionIf an I/O error occurred.

Reimplemented in StreamSocket.

◆ writeFully() [1/4]

size_t writeFully ( ByteBuffer buffer)

Write data to the stream from a ByteBuffer, until either the entire buffer is written or an error or timeout occurs.

bufferThe buffer to write.
The number of bytes actually written.
IOExceptionIf and I/O error occurred.

◆ writeFully() [2/4]

size_t writeFully ( CharBuffer buffer)

Write data to the stream from a CharBuffer, until either the entire buffer is written or an error or timeout occurs.

bufferThe buffer to write.
The number of bytes actually written.
IOExceptionIf an I/O error occurred.

◆ writeFully() [3/4]

size_t writeFully ( Buffer< T > &  buffer,
size_t &  partial 

Write data to the stream from a Buffer of arbitrary type, until either the entire buffer is written or an error or timeout occurs.

If sizeof(T) is greater than 1 byte, then there can be no guarantee that the number of bytes written before a timeout or error occurs will be evenly divisible by sizeof(T). If the final element was partially written, the number of bytes of the element that were written will be stored in partial; this value should be passed unmodified to the next invocation of this method to continue writing from the appropriate offset within the partially-written element.

bufferThe buffer to write.
partialThe number of bytes remaining to write for a partially-written element; on return, the number of bytes written of a partially-written element, or 0 if the last element was written completely. Should be set to 0 prior to the first call to this method for a fresh buffer.
The number of whole elements actually written.
IOExceptionIf an I/O error occurred.

◆ writeFully() [4/4]

size_t writeFully ( const byte_t buffer,
size_t  buflen 

Write data to the stream from a raw buffer.

bufferA pointer to the buffer.
buflenThe number of bytes to write.
The number of bytes actually written.
IOExceptionIf an I/O error occurred.

Member Data Documentation

◆ _name

String _name

◆ eol

const char * eol = EOL

The host system's end-of-line character sequence.


const uint_t MAX_IOBLOCK_COUNT = 16

The maximum number of I/O buffers that can be passed to the vector I/O methods.

◆ separator

const char separator = FS

The host system's file separator character.

◆ separatorString

const char separatorString = { File::separator, NUL }

The host system's file separator character, as a string.

◆ validSeparators

const char validSeparators
Initial value:

A string containing all valid file separator characters for the host system.

On Windows, this string includes both `/' and '\', while on all other systems it is equivalent to File::separator.

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