libcommonc++  0.7
Cache< K, T > Member List

This is the complete list of members for Cache< K, T >, including all inherited members.

Cache(uint_t maxSize)Cache< K, T >
clear()Cache< K, T >
contains(K key) constCache< K, T >
get(K key) constCache< K, T >
getMaxSize() constCache< K, T >inline
getSize() constCache< K, T >inline
isEmpty() constCache< K, T >inline
onRemove(K key, T *item)Cache< K, T >protectedvirtual
operator[](K key) constCache< K, T >inline
put(K key, T *item)Cache< K, T >
remove(K key)Cache< K, T >
take(K key)Cache< K, T >
~Cache()Cache< K, T >virtual